When we first approached the sports industry with Premoneo, formerly Dynamitick, we had a series [...]
Background. Over the past few years, we have invested time and resources in trying to [...]
That the live entertainment market is the most affected by the pandemic is now clear [...]
During the 2020s, the number of amusement park visitors, globally, dropped from 50% to 90%. [...]
When it comes to the digitization of Italian companies, the risk is always that of [...]
The live entertainment industry is one of those most affected by Covid-19. The year 2020 [...]
Investing in a data scientist is the most concrete idea that companies have available but [...]
Deep Learning, how does it differ from machine learning and what features do these algorithms [...]
What is cluster analysis and how to segment customers base to improve your company's business [...]
Retail AI and machine learning to forecast sales, analyse purchasing behaviour, optimise restocking and reduce [...]